Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I've been without my laptop for a few days... was on vacation from the 31st until.... well, yesterday, technically.  I flew in and went to work for a half day, then went to Zumba, then just watched television, sleepy, until I fell asleep on the couch.

Now I am getting sleepy on the couch again.  But I remembered that I'd started this blog, and that I'd had to neglect it whilst on vacation, so I should probably pop in. 

I had to catch up on my little calendar list of daily things of beauty too.  The biggest thing that struck me upon arriving home in Denver was this.... I saw the mountains outside the airplane window, and I thought: "Home."

Immediately my mind started dissecting this thought.  My first thought was just that one word, home, but the next was a thoughts were a jumble of questioning that very idea.  How I don't always really feel at home here.  How I don't always even feel at home in Minnesota now.  How home can be such an abstract concept even though it seems like the way we learn it in school is so concrete.  Home back then would have been a drawing of a house with a brick chimney emitting little curlicues of smoke. 

Then I took a moment and thought - stop it, brain.  Just accept your initial thought without getting all deep or trying to question everything.  Sometimes it's nice to just think that those beautiful mountains mean home.  

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