Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A New Path

So remember when I posted the picture of the calendar I got with a line for each day?  Even though I haven't been posting an entry each day on here, I do write a word each day on the calendar. 

So here's what it says:
1: blog
2: upper body workout
3: helping + being appreciated
4: knowing
5: massage
6: life of pi
7: humor
8: falling askleep early
9: waking up early
10: modern family
11: live local music
12: autocat feeder
13: returns/new stuff
14: what it is
15: emotion
16: Anna Karenina/moon
17: Burgers
18: sharing
19: walking
20: slam poetry
21: David Sedaris
22: cleaning!
23: singin
24: comp books
25: guitar
26: blood orange mimosa (free)
27: cooking
28: Zumba
29: a new path

I'm transcribing my punctuation as well.  Noting how the only things I capitalized are the proper names Anna Karenina and David Sedaris... and Burgers.  I must have been really excited about the Burgers.  Oh, and I capitalized Zumba too... yeah, I got pretty excited about Zumba yesterday.  Smiling during a workout?  Yeah, that's what I was doing.  The instructor was really fun and easy to follow (although there were still some moves I didn't quite get yet) and I love getting such a good cardio workout without having to go for a run. 

Cleaning was the only thing this month that got an exclamation point.  I think I am finally starting to appreciate the high that some people seem to get from being neat freaks.  It's a little scary.  I've had more spurts of cleaning in the past month than I have for quite a while.  Maybe I'm growing up, or maybe I'm heading towards OCD.  Who knows?  Either way, my sink is sparkling clean! (meant to be said with a touch of smiling insanity)

There are two days left in the month.  What words shall they bring?

I just remembered that Burgers was actually a reference to the show "Bob's Burgers." I was racking my brain to remember the last burger I ate and the only one I could remember any time recently was a veggie burger.

Today's entry says: a new path.  Someone said today that it seemed I was on a new path.  She clapped her hands, all excited for me.  I do feel as though I am gaining focus toward a specific path and it's a good feeling.  I still have a lot of doubt and questions but I am on my way toward getting some answers. 

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