Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wednesday Workout Beauty

I do a group training session with a personal trainer every Wednesday.  It's something that my employer provides for any employees who'd like to partake, and because I love freebies and I love having someone else tell me exactly how to work out (and giving me crap if I don't do it), I definitely partake. 

Today wasn't my absolute best day, but I was particularly proud of my beautiful upper body free weight sets today.  We did eight reps each of upright rows, flies, and bent-over rows. Then we did that again... and again.  I was just starting to fatigue on those last few reps, which is how I knew I did the right weight and the right amount of reps to get some good muscle work done.  To some, maybe a beautiful few sets of weight training exercises wouldn't be the most exciting part of their day.  But for me, well....

I have a confession to make. 

I have a secret desire to be a female body builder.

Okay, let me revise this slightly, if only because I don't think I could really, truly commit to eating all that protein and slathering tanning oil all over my body.  Let's say a fitness model.

Super cut arms, a hint of a six-pack.... I know a lot of people are turned off by this but I think there would be something so satisfying in being so physically fit and strong.  My favorite workout is lifting weights.  I cringe at cardio.  Give me a pair of dumbells over a treadmill any day.  As to why I don't have the body of a fitness model already?  I will definitely take a good book or a slice of cheesecake over the dumbbells.  It's my favorite workout, but it's still working out.

So those perfectly (or, at least, correctly) executed reps, done while my trainer cheered me on and complimented my work, done in order to help me be strong and healthy - those are my beautiful things for this day.

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