Thursday, January 10, 2013

Modern Family Love

I haven't been home too much this week.  Tuesday I worked late then headed to my boyfriend's house for pizza and a movie.  Woke up at 5:30 a.m. on Wednesday, got into work early and didn't get home until after ten.  Worked, then did my workout, then went to choir practice, then did some grocery shopping.  Tonight I went to a church event after work and got home a bit after eight. 

Just watched last night's episode of "Modern Family" on Hulu.  That show makes me smile.  Firstly, it is hilarious.  Secondly, they always end it in some heartfelt, family-oriented way.  (Not family-orientated, mind you.  Grammar pet peeve!)  I am such a sucker for that shit!  Bring on Danny Tanner having a little talk with Stephanie at the end of the episode!

Tomorrow I am going to... (drumroll please)... make soup!  Yes, I am going to make something from scratch - a rare occurrence.  I'm thinking of how to explain the reasons why I don't cook very often.  Is it because I live alone?  Is it because I'm such a perfectionist that the execution takes too long?  Is it because I don't have the ingredients at my house?  I thought briefly about all of these things and then I realized that I can explain all I want, but the crux of it is that I am lazy.  Cooking involves a lot of time and effort.  I prefer to spend my time and effort on other endeavors, such as Googling obscure references made on "Modern Family."

And that brings us to.... (should we put a drumroll here too?)... the beautiful thing for today.

It's just gotta be "Modern Family."  It's got humor, it's got heart, it's got non-traditional family structures that show how love is love is love.  And it's got special guest star Billy Dee Williams.  Lando loves Colt 45!

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