Thursday, January 3, 2013

Tupac Had It Right

Sometimes it's hard to focus on the beautiful.  There were a lot of good things about today, but I'm still a little down. 

I had a client today who I just couldn't seem to please.  I fidgeted with my bracelet for a moment while she was talking to me and she thought I was looking at my watch.  "Sorry, I'll hurry," she interjected as she noticed me looking at my wrist. (I don't even wear a watch.  I'll covertly check the time on the computer screen while I'm getting impatient with you, thankyouverymuch.) 

Later in the meeting, I smiled (as I often do - it's just a natural reaction when I'm being friendly with people and trying to put them at ease), and she reacted by saying, "I'm serious," almost as if just because I had a smile on my face I wasn't taking her seriously.  I'm taking you seriously, lady, just trying to lighten the mood and get a positive energy flow in here, jeez.

Thinking about this right now is driving me crazy, so I am going to just stop and take a breath and say.... not all clients are going to be easy to deal with so I need to just not let it get to me so much.  SIGH.

Moving on to good things now, must move on... I ate a delicious piece of chocolate mousse pie this evening.  The first few bites I was in heaven and thought, oh lawdjesus, I could eat two whole pieces of this!  But by the time I got 3/4 done I was already getting full and sleepy.  So satisfying. 

Ah, here is another beautiful thing.  And I think I am going to go with this one as the big thing o' beauty for the day, particularly because it has to do with work... just to show that it's not all bad. I've been helping out an overwhelmed coworker with a few tasks this week.  Just little things, like dealing with a client she was dreading and doing some simple administrative tasks for her so she could have less time taken away from getting through the other things on her overloaded work plate.  She lets me know how appreciative she is of this, and it feels good to have someone else let you know that (sing it in Tupac's voice, y'all) you are appreciaaaaaaated.

Helping someone out and knowing that they are grateful for your help is such a beautiful human transaction. 

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